Developer FAQ
How do I register my business
If you are new to Transaction Analysts India Private Limited, click on the link to register with Transaction Analysts India Private Limited. If you already have an account with us, click here to login and start using our features
My account is not yet active
Please submit the following details once you are logged into the site. Once the details are filled, we will go through them and approve the business
Contact Details
Fill the basic details of the first point of contact for communication with Transaction Analysts India Private Limited. Transaction Report E-Mail will be used for reporting transactions on your site and for updates regarding performance of various payment modes.
Business Details
As per your organization type (Pvt. Ltd., LLP, Sole Proprietorship, etc), fill out the basic details of your organization
Website Details
As per RBI guidelines, our partner banks do a round of website verification where they judge if sufficient information is provided to your customer while he is paying at your website. For this, some pages as listed under Website Details are necessary. Kindly incorporate these pages and let us know their respective URLs. For your ease, we have shared carefully vetted templates for most cases. If needed, please change them according to your requirements and mention the URL here after incorporating them on your website.
Bank Account Details
Fill down this section with the information regarding your Current Account through which you can accept payments carried on through Transaction Analysts India Private Limited.
Documents Upload
As per your organization type, upload the required documents. We only take documents which are necessary for approval and good quality scans will work perfectly well here.
Submit Form
Once the required information is filled in, click on Submit button to complete the activation form. Now, we verify these details and get back to you on mail or phone in case any correction is required.
How do we get the Salt & API Key?
Once the business is approved, the Salt & API Key will be mailed to the registered email id. In case you have not received it, let us know and we'll mail it to you.